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The Best Spots to Catch a Sunset in San Diego

The Best Spots to Catch a Sunset in San Diego

在你的待办事项清单上,看太阳沉入太平洋是很重要的吗? Check out these top sunset spots in San Diego County

Why does everyone love catching a sunset in San Diego? Because watching the sky change colors over the ocean, beaches, and city skyline is a beautiful part of the laid-back San Diego life.

With so many places to catch a picturesque waterfront sunset, almost every palm tree–lined spot could be considered a great location, but there are a few that stand out above the rest. From downtown to North County piers, 这里是圣地亚哥县最好的日落景点,从南到北排列.

Tips for Watching a San Diego Sunset

To get your best San Diego sunset experience, 选择一个晴朗的日子,给自己足够的时间在太阳下山之前找到你的位置(一定要检查一下) the current sunrise and sunset times). Remember: Sunset watching is popular in San Diego, so plan to add a bit of time for parking and scouting out the best spot. If you’re headed to a waterfront or rooftop restaurant, 提前预定座位,确保你能坐到日落的座位,并安排好时间,在太阳下山前30-45分钟坐下. If you’re hiking or picnicking, bring food or drinks, 更暖和的衣服,如果在你回到车里之前天就要黑了,可能还需要一盏灯.

The Best Sunset Spots in San Diego

Hotel del Coronado

Location: Coronado
Good to know: Hotel del Coronado sits at the southern end of Coronado Beach. Parking is free along Ocean Boulevard, 或者你可以花20美元在酒店北面的车库自助停车两小时.

科罗纳多以其五个闪闪发光的白色沙滩而闻名,这些沙滩沿着半岛的西侧延伸到圣地亚哥湾. 有趣的事实:海滩之所以闪闪发光,是因为沙子中含有丰富的矿物云母. While Coronado Beach (also called Central Beach) is a wide, popular beach that’s great for watching San Diego sunsets, you can also enjoy the show from this famous red-roofed resort itself. Try the cocktails next to the fire pits on the Hotel del’s Sun Deck or the large outdoor patio at Babcock & Story Bar.

Best Spot to Catch a Sunset in San Diego, Embarcadero

San Diego Embarcadero

Location: Downtown San Diego
值得知道的是:安巴卡德罗沿着圣地亚哥市中心的水边延伸. Parking can be difficult downtown, 虽然附近有几个私人停车场和一些街边停车场 Waterfront Park.

Whatever kind of sunset experience you’re looking for, you can find it along the San Diego Embarcadero. Let the kids play in the sprinklers at Waterfront Park. Check out the tall ships at the Maritime Museum. You can even take a cruise out to watch the sunset from the water. Or enjoy your San Diego sunset from the restaurants at the Portside Pier: Ketch Grill & Taps serves pub fare inside a striking glass dome; Topsail has a rooftop terrace and offers cocktails and seafood small plates; and Brigantine Seafood & Oyster Bar is known for its award-winning fish tacos.

Best Spot to Catch a Sunset in San Diego, Sunset Point

Sunset Point Park

Location: Mission Bay
Good to know: Sunset Point, located next to The Dana on Mission Bay 酒店,有一个小公园和火坑,它往往是一个安静的地方,日落野餐. The hotel has a public parking lot for easy access.

As the name suggests, 日落点(有时被称为使命湾公园)是观看圣地亚哥日落的好地方. Tucked into Mission Bay near SeaWorld San Diego, 公园里有一个小沙滩,上面有供晚上篝火的火坑,还有一个供野餐的草地公园. If you’re looking for more excitement, head across the bridge to Mission Beach, a busy neighborhood with a long waterfront boardwalk. Or rent a kayakand watch the sunset while paddling on Mission Bay.

Best Spot to Catch a Sunset in San Diego, Sunset Cliffs

Sunset Cliffs

Location: Point Loma
Good to know: Sunset Cliffs Natural Park is a narrow 1.5-mile stretch of bluffs along the west coast of Point Loma, with a main park at the southern end, at Ladera Street. 你可以把车停在那里,或者在鱼鹰街的小停车场,或者在卢斯科姆点的停车位.

提前到达,在这些标志性的悬崖上找到你完美的圣地亚哥日落点. There’s a path along the top of the cliffs, along with stairs in a few spots to walk down to the beach, or just spread out a picnic blanket in the grass. If the tides are negative, 那么Luscomb Point下面的Sunset Cliffs Caves就安静而美丽了. To the north of Sunset Cliffs is the Ocean Beach pier, and to the south is the Cabrillo National Monument—both are great sunset alternatives.

Best Spot to Catch a Sunset in San Diego, Windansea

Windansea Beach

Location: La Jolla
很高兴知道:在拉霍亚诺第留斯街的尽头有一个入口, Windansea is a relatively hidden location, but it can get crowded at sunrise and sunset. Park on the neighborhood streets or at the spots on Neptune Place.

A local La Jolla sunset favorite, Windansea Beach is a picturesque area with rocky cliffs, white sand, and tide pools at low tide. Riptides can be very strong, though, so while you may see experienced surfers out on the waves, proceed with caution before getting wet. As the sun sets in San Diego, 这个小绿洲变成了金黄色,看起来就像你走进了一张照片.

Best Spot to Catch a Sunset in San Diego, Mount Soledad

Mount Soledad

Location: La Jolla
Good to know: The Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial is open daily until 10 p.m. and admission is free.

站在索莱达山顶上,你可以从圣地亚哥最高的海岸点360度全景, 创造了一个完美的日落景色,在海洋和山脉的东方. On top of the hill above La Jolla sits the 29-foot Mt. Soledad cross—a version of which has stood there for over a century.

Best Spot to Catch a Sunset in San Diego, Torrey Pines

Torrey Pines

Location: La Jolla
值得注意的是:沿着加州大学圣地亚哥分校以北的多利松公园路,在游客中心停车. Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve 它在日落后关闭,所以你可以快速安全地(带着灯)前进吗!) back to your car once the sun goes down. No dogs or pets are allowed. Whatever trash you bring in, take out with you.

Torrey Pines covers 1,500英亩的土地保留给该地区的原始栖息地和动物, including the rare Torrey pine. 保护区由美丽的州立海滩和数英里的悬崖和小径组成. 在圣地亚哥看日落最好的地方之一就是悬崖顶上, on the Razor Point trail. 从游客中心的步道起点出发,在1米以下.5 miles out to Razor Point, 在那里你可以欣赏到大海上悬崖的壮丽景色. (这条海滩小径通往水中,是另一个日落圣地牙哥的景点.)

Swami’s Beach

Location: Encinitas
很高兴知道:在101号高速公路的海滩顶端有一个小停车场. Take the long stairs down to the water. If the lot is full, neighborhood parking is available nearby.

The staircase at Swami’s beach in Encinitas 大多数早晨都会吸引健身爱好者,每当有大浪时就会吸引冲浪者——这是一个世界闻名的景点. It also makes for a great place to watch the sunset. The combination of cliffside palm trees, sandy beaches, and wave-riders in the foreground makes for a perfect San Diego sunset. 你可以把车停在悬崖顶上,沿着长长的陡峭的楼梯走到海滩上,或者从高处的栖息之处欣赏风景.

Cordiano Winery

Location: Escondido
Good to know: Make a reservation at Cordiano Winery before you go; parking is available at the winery. 沿着高地谷路(Highland Valley Road)开车欣赏美景,在太阳下山时带上保暖的衣服.

Highland Valley, located in the hills of Escondido 在圣地亚哥的北县,有几家酿酒厂,也是绝佳的日落目的地. 科迪亚诺提供一系列的红色,白色,和甜点酒与意大利面和披萨菜单. 酒和食物在室外露台上供应,如果天气冷了,那里有暖气和毯子. Time is limited to two hours, 但这足以让你欣赏到圣地亚哥县内陆的日落.

Best Spot to Catch a Sunset in San Diego, Oceanside Pier

Oceanside Pier

Location: Oceanside
值得知道的是:海滨码头是一个很受欢迎的聚会地点,就在市中心的斯特兰德附近 Oceanside. Check the Oceanside city parking map for city lot locations.

Built in 1988, Oceanside’s 1,942-foot wooden pier 是西海岸最长的海滩之一,你有足够的空间欣赏太平洋上的日落. Located north of San Diego near Camp Pendleton, Oceanside has developed into a lively coastal town, with numerous beaches, boutiques, breweries, and restaurants. After you watch one of the best San Diego sunsets around, 在米申大道上众多的餐馆和啤酒厂中选择一家享用晚餐. Hello Betty serves classic pub grub while Craft Coast Beer & Tacos offers Baja-style tacos paired with local beer.

圣地亚哥的日落很受欢迎,因为观看太平洋上空天空的颜色变化是一件很特别的事情. 如果你想找更多的地方看太阳落在地平线以下,那就去看看吧 Where to Watch a La Jolla Sunset. 如果这激发了你在一天中的任何时候都欣赏水和圣地亚哥的景色,那就去其中一个 the best rooftop bars or waterfront restaurants in town and relax when the sun is still in the sky.

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