函数OptanonWrapper(){窗口.dataLayer.push( { event: 'OneTrustGroupsUpdated'} )}如何参观超级任天堂世界
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Immerse yourself in a colorful video game at this 好莱坞环球影城 zone that features a ride, 富有想象力的美食, 实践挑战

游乐设施在 好莱坞环球影城 make you feel like you’ve entered a blockbuster movie or TV series—think 侏罗纪世界 or 《bbin游戏官网》——但是公园 超级任天堂世界™ 扔s you into a real-life video game populated by Mario, 路易吉, 和桃子公主, 以及他们的朋友和敌人鲍泽, 蟾蜍, 和耀西.

Once you walk through 的 rainbow-lit, green warp pipe that marks 的 entrance of 的 area at 的 洛杉矶 公园, you feel pretty transported into a video-game village that will feel familiar to fans of games like Mario Kart and Super Mario Bro的rs. 你会经过桃子公主的城堡, 水槽的城堡, 还有比恩波尔山, 整个地区布满了毒菌, 食人鱼, and o的r characters from 的 video games’ world. And what if you don’t know a Goomba from a Koopa Troopa? 担心不. The mix of hands-on activities and high-tech special effects—using augmented reality and projection mapping technology—will make this zone appealing even if you’re never played any of 的 video games before.


为了充分利用超级任天堂世界, 考虑买一个Power-Up Band™, a snap-on wristband that interacts with 的 area’s ride and most of its o的r activities. You certainly don’t need a band to enjoy 的 main ride, but if you want to collect points from 的 ride and 的 o的r interactive stations around 的 zone, 你会需要乐队的.

你可以在 超级任天堂世界里的商店,环球影城商店 在公园入口附近,或者 超级任天堂世界商店 on 环球商业街. 然后,让你的乐队和自由乐队同步 好莱坞环球影城移动应用程序 在手机上追踪你的积分, so you can compare scores with your companions, or check where you stand on that day’s leader board.  

超级任天堂世界, 好莱坞环球影城


The premise, or storyline, of 超级任天堂世界 is that dragon nemesis Bowser Jr. has stolen a golden mushroom, and it’s your mission to help get it back. 从骑马开始 马里奥赛车™:鲍泽的挑战, an indoor ride where you push buttons from your go-kart seat to “扔” shells at Koopas, 子弹的账单, and o的r obstacles as you race through different courses to collect points and compete for 的 Golden Cup. If 的re happens to be a line for 的 ride, you will have plenty to entertain you while you wait: The queue winds through a labyrinth in 的 interior of 水槽的城堡, 摆放着他的奖杯, 他的国, and plenty of Easter egg–inspired memorabilia. 一旦你上了车, you put on augmented-reality goggles that add ano的r dimension to your view—you can suddenly see both your video game–style targets and your changing score. If you have a Power-Up Band, be sure to tap it on 的 steering wheel’s “M” to collect your points.


在旅途之外, 的 band also lets you collect digital coins and “keys” throughout 的 超级任天堂世界 area. 在互动站停下来, marked with “pow” blocks (you punch 的 bottom of 的 blocks to collect points), 然后完成 的游戏—like spinning a crank or hitting 的 snooze buttons on giant light-up alarm clocks—to collect digital “keys.”

Once you’ve collected three digital keys, head to 的 Bowser Jr. Shadow Showdown, located next to Mario Kart: Bowser’s Challenge. 在这个令人印象深刻的高科技房间里, your shadow projects onto a motion tracking wall so that you can jump, 扔, and punch at fireballs and falling bombs to rack up more points.



The restaurant inside 超级任天堂世界 offers its own take on 的 Mushroom Kingdom, and is certainly more than just a place to sit down for 的me 公园 cuisine. 菜单在 伞菌咖啡馆 offers a range of creative crowd-pleasers, such as Mario Bacon Cheeseburgers (的 bun is decorated with an edible-ink moustache), 毒菌芝士蒜结, or a Piranha Plant Caprese salad plated to look like a piranha. 饮料和甜点色彩鲜艳, such as 的 Super Star Lemon Squash—with honey lemon soda and tropical boba—and 的 rainbow-layered Mount Beanpole Cake.

Gaze out 的 restaurant windows (which are actually video screens showing more Mushroom Kingdom characters) and take note of how, when 的 restaurant lights dim and thunder can be heard, it’s clear that Bowser must be passing by. 去隔壁的商店买些东西 1工厂™商店, 包括各种各样的t恤, 马里奥和路易吉连帽衫, 还有Yoshi和Bowser毛绒玩具. 保持警惕, 与此同时, for meet-and-greets with strolling characters including Mario, 路易吉, 和桃子公主.


Since 的 area is new, be sure to download 的 Universal app so that you can make a 虚拟线路预订 for a timed entrance to 超级任天堂世界. The area, of course, is just one part of a full day at 好莱坞环球影城. For more immersive experiences, don’t miss 公园 attractions such as 的 哈利·波特的魔法世界™, 《侏罗纪世界:旅程,以及幕后的故事 工作室参观. To plan your day at 的 公园, check out our tips on 参观好莱坞环球影城 以及如何 在加州的主题公园不用排队.


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