function OptanonWrapper() { window.dataLayer.push( { event: 'OneTrustGroupsUpdated'} )}家庭自驾游:圣罗莎、旧金山和海边的卡梅尔|加州之旅
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For Oakley Peterson, 完美的家庭度假的关键是保持简单,并拥抱旅行的小乐趣.

bbin游戏官网的孩子正处在喜欢酒店的阶段,”背后的博主说 Nothing Down About It,突出了家庭生活,其中包括一个患有唐氏综合症的孩子. “They just want to stay in fun places.”

他们在最近的假期中确实发现了这一点 Santa Rosa, San Francisco, and Carmel-by-the-Sea. 除了节日——有时是非常独特的——住宿, 他们还为她的全体船员找到了很多乐趣, 年龄从8个月到10岁不等. “Do what’s right for your family,” she advises. “bbin游戏官网选择可以慢慢来的地方,按照bbin游戏官网自己的节奏去——bbin游戏官网的节奏可能看起来与其他家庭不同.”

The Peterson family flew into Sacramento International Airport to begin their trip, and out of San Jose Mineta International Airport to go home, since San Jose is closer to Carmel-by-the-Sea. 当你重现旅程时,你也可以飞到 Charles M. Schulz - Sonoma County Airport to begin the trip, or fly in and out of San Francisco International Airport 在旅程的两端再开远一点.

Stop 1: Santa Rosa

Where they stayed: Safari West这是一个占地400英亩的野生动物保护区和豪华帐篷营地

What they did: After driving about two hours from Sacramento, the Petersons arrived in Sonoma County. They browsed the brochures and maps at the California Welcome Center, then checked in at Safari West, 这是一个占地400英亩的野生动物保护区,是900只动物和90个物种的家园. You can make it a day trip and take one of the safari tours, or stay overnight 其中一个豪华帐篷配有浴室、硬木地板和观景台.

“你走出房间或树屋,环顾四周, there are different animals,” Peterson says. “Not many of us can take our kids to Africa, 但你可以去这样的地方,既便宜又便宜.”

The tours made a big impact on the kids. “The boys were like, ‘OMG it’s a rhino,而我的女儿几乎被震惊了——她只是在分析和接受这一切,” she says. 导游知道所有关于动物的事情. We learned so much.彼得森也很感激他们作为一个有特殊需要的家庭所得到的照顾. “For the safari tour, 我儿子经常想在车里在爸爸妈妈之间来回转, and they made sure he was comfortable.”

彼得森一家还探索了该地区其他适合家庭的景点,包括 Charles M. Schulz Museum and Research Center, the Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve, and the Guerneville gourmet deli The Farmhand. They also enjoyed a crowd-pleaser at Sebastopol’s Psychic Pie他说:“这是我这辈子吃过的最好吃的披萨.”

2023年加州游客指南,Oakley Peterson

Stop 2: San Francisco

Where they stayed: Palace Hotel, a Luxury Hotel Collection Hotel, 1875年酒店镀金时代的氛围和一个家庭友好的室内游泳池

What they did: The Petersons drove an hour to San Francisco 住进了几个街区外的万豪品牌酒店 Union Square. 彼得森说:“这比我想象的更适合孩子。. “他们确保房间里有bbin游戏官网需要的一切,甚至是特殊需求. bbin游戏官网的儿子不需要很多,但是工作人员非常友好和热情.” Kids will enjoy the Pied Piper 餐厅里有一幅描绘经典故事的著名壁画.

他们开始探索旧金山最大的景点 cable cars and playing at the Presidio Tunnel Tops, a 14-acre parkland at the Presidio. “It was really cool, with lots of families,彼得森在谈到带有游乐区的绿地时说, a rotating selection of local food trucks, and big views of the Golden Gate Bridge.

They also went to the Exploratorium 彼得森说:“bbin游戏官网本可以在那里待上一整天——那里非常有动手能力。.她说,这是一种让带孩子去城市度假更容易的地方. 她建议:“不要试图做那些让人感觉太成熟的事情。. “做一些孩子们可以四处奔跑和探索的事情——那些能激发他们好奇心并给他们留下回忆的地方.”

Stop 3: Carmel-by-the-Sea

Where they stayed: Hofsas House这里有37间客房,提供免费欧陆式早餐和温水游泳池                                                                                                      

What they did彼得森一家从旧金山开了大约两个小时的车到 Monterey County然后开始享受隐藏的宝石 Carmel-by-the-Sea: the 41 secret passageways 庭院连接着童话般的房屋和20世纪20年代的建筑, such as the British-style candy store Cottage of Sweets. 彼得森说:“我可以花整整一趟时间来做这些通道。. “它们都是不同的,感觉它们已经有200年的历史了——它们是珍宝. That was my favorite thing on the trip.”

The rest of the town charmed them too, with its shops, art galleries, and plenty of locally owned dining options, including brunch-y Carmel Belle (“some of the yummiest food”), Carmel Burger Bar, and Clint Eastwood’s Hog’s Breath Inn. 卡梅尔被称为“海边的森林里的村庄”,’ and that is exactly what is feels like,” Peterson says. “这是一个小村庄,当bbin游戏官网探索艺术画廊时,人们非常友好. 有了四个孩子,bbin游戏官网就像一个行走的马戏团,但人们不那样对待你是件好事.”

Make the Trip Your Own

索诺玛县、旧金山和蒙特利县为家庭度假提供了很多选择. Start with these tips on family-friendly San Francisco, and Sonoma County’s kid-friendly attractions, such as the Charles M. Schulz Museum, the Sonoma TrainTown Railroad, and even family-friendly wineries. Monterey County, meanwhile, is home to the famed Monterey Bay Aquarium这里距离一个独特的加州主题公园只有一个小时的路程, Gilroy Gardens.

想要在该州的这个地区进行更多的家庭自驾游,可以探索博物馆 Family Learning Adventure and the Tech Tour. Enhance your trip with these 加州有特殊需要的家庭的目的地 and free kid-friendly attractions around the Golden State.

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