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Family Road Trip: Newport Beach and San Diego

Family Road Trip: Newport Beach and San Diego


安吉拉·金(Angela Kim)想要一个简单的家庭假期——每个人都可以暂时放下手头的工作.

“很难找到六个小时内不需要任何设备的目的地,”金姆说 “Mommy Diary” 博主,有四个孩子,年龄从2岁到17岁不等,其中一个有特殊需要. 最后,他们在自己位于南加州的后院找到了一个没有屏幕的天堂:他们在水里玩耍 Newport Beach, then went to San Diego County 参观两个主题公园,体验更多户外乐趣.

因为他们行程中的三站都在100英里范围内, 很容易重现这种适合全家出游的加州之旅. Fly in and out of Orange County’s John Wayne Airport, where the trip begins, or out of San Diego International Airport, where the trip ends.

Stop 1: Newport Beach

Where they stayed: Balboa Bay Resort这是奥兰治县的一个海滨度假胜地,有游泳池、水疗中心和方便的水上运动

What they did: Newport Beach 这里有海滩和一个小型游乐园,还有精品店林立的步行街. “这是奢侈品,但也适合家庭,”Kim说. The family had fun exploring Balboa Island (try the famous frozen bananas and ice cream bars) and Balboa Village Fun Zone, with carnival games and a Ferris wheel.

金氏一家还在水上玩耍,从 Vision Electric Boat Rentals in Lido Marina Village. “bbin游戏官网轮流开车,孩子们轮流坐在bbin游戏官网的腿上,”金说. “我喜欢你可以自己带饮料和零食——你可以在那里呆上几个小时.“对于那些不习惯担任队长的人来说, 驾驶这些带顶篷的电动船“非常容易”,” Kim notes. 这些船的速度只能达到每小时5英里,而且“水并不汹涌”, either—Newport Harbor was very chill.“附近有一些吃午饭或吃完饭的好地方: Hopdoddy Burger Bar, Sushi Roku, and Avila’s El Ranchito.

The family enjoyed more unplugged fun at Crystal Cove State Park它将经典的海滩美景与远足径和潮汐池结合在一起. “被大自然——浩瀚的海洋——包围是一种感觉, the sound of the waves,” Kim says. “At Crystal Cove, kids can just play with sand, filling their buckets, 看着沙蟹,它们可以一看就是几个小时. It’s timeless.”

Stop 2: Carlsbad

Where they stayed: The Cassara Carlsbad这是一家公寓风格的酒店,毗邻加州乐高乐园

What they did在纽波特海滩度过了一天之后,金氏一家开车向南50英里来到了 Carlsbad in northern San Diego County. Their primary destination: LEGOLAND California这对她6岁的儿子来说尤其令人兴奋.“My son doesn’t know how to read yet, but he is a little engineer,” Kim says, “so it’s the perfect place for kids like him. 他们也有很多适合年幼孩子的游乐设施和过山车. His favorites were Driving School and Pirate Reef在那里他们可以控制船只和射击水.”

Bigger kids and parents will love it as well, 她说:“你可以看到所有的东西都是用乐高积木做的——他们有一个 Las Vegas and a few other cities built out of LEGO.” The family also enjoyed the theme park’s SEA LIFE Aquarium 凭借其发光的生物发光展览(“我儿子认为这很酷”). 对于有特殊需要的家庭,乐高乐园也提供了一个有益的 accessibility guide.

Carlsbad offers more fun diversions, too, including beaches, the interactive Museum of Making Music还有一个适合步行的市中心,那里有令人愉悦的景点,比如 The Goods Doughnuts.

Since the Kims were visiting during spring, 他们还参观了一个不容错过的季节性景点:the Flower Fields at Carlsbad Ranch. This 50-acre field of ranunculus flowers, open from March to May, also features a tractor ride, a hay maze, and fresh local strawberries and ice cream. “Going to the Flower Fields was more for me,” Kim says with a laugh. “我家里有自己的玫瑰园,所以这非常鼓舞人心. 他们布置颜色的方式——有很多爱和计划在其中. 孩子们说,‘这太美了,现在bbin游戏官网吃冰淇淋吧.’”

Stop 3: Sesame Place San Diego

Where they stayed他们把大本营设在The Cassara,因为Sesame Place向南开车只要45分钟

What they did: The Kims traveled to the town of Chula Vista, home of Sesame Place San Diego. The park, which opened in 2022, 水上乐园和传统游乐设施都有吗, such as the little kid–friendly roller coaster Super Grover’s Box Car Derby and Cookie’s Monster Mixer water slide. 该公园还提供每日现场表演,并与芝麻街的角色见面. The appeal is not just for preschoolers, either, 正如金证实的那样:“年纪较小的孩子喜欢玩水,” she says, “and the merch is very Gen Z.”

Sesame Place is also the first Certified Autism Center (CAC) theme park in the nation, 为有特殊需要的家庭提供便利设施,比如安静的区域, noise-cancelling headphones, and trained staffers. 公园的一些特色将使所有家庭受益,比如公园入口处的彩色标志,上面列出了所有游乐设施的不同高度要求. “You can plan your day right there,” says Kim. “It leads to less chaos, fewer meltdowns.”

员工的培训对有特殊需要的孩子也有很大的影响. “我的大女儿17岁,但她的功能水平是5或6岁,”金说. “She loves these rides, 但她又遇到了过渡期的问题——她不想下车, she wants to ride again. 很高兴知道这些人会理解她,并接受培训与她一起工作.”

这些小事情让孩子和父母都觉得这一天更有趣. 自闭症认证“让我感到非常高兴,”她说. “You feel very included.”

Make the Trip Your Own:

Orange County and San Diego County 有很多海边的地方可以让你拔掉插头看看这些吗 four great beaches of Orange County, the beaches of San Diego, and great San Diego tide pools. 在体验这座城市的众多美景时,你也很容易把电子设备抛在脑后 museums, ways to take to the water on a boat, or places to watch a sunset. 想要更多的灵感来计划你的团队的下一个加利福尼亚之旅,看看 在奥兰治县最适合家庭的6件事 and San Diego: Family Friendly Vacation Ideas.

For more low-stress trip ideas, check out 加州有特殊需要的家庭的目的地 and free kid-friendly attractions around the Golden State.

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